Membuat Selai Blackcurrant / Making Blackcurrants Jam

Eventually I managed to make blackcurrant jam (my husband favourite) after pyo - ing yesterday in neighbouring village, even though few days earlier we just bought 2 jars from supermarket. I just want to make jam that contain less sugar and more fruit (so I omit the lemon juice that is normally suggested since it will be quite sharp).
Black currants are great for jam-making and they thicken and jell beautifully. You might want to cook this jam, leaving it a bit on the runny side, since as it sits it will thicken up more than other jams. This recipe will make two jars (about 2 cups, 500g)

Bahan - Bahan / Ingredients

500 gr black currant, buang batangnya
500 gr black currant, remove the stem

400 gr sugar 
400 gr gula

300 ml water
300 ml air

Cara membuat / Method and preparation

Didihkan black currant dan air dalam panci kemudian lanjutkan merebus dengan api kecil selama 10 menit sampai black currant lunak
In a pot, bring the black currants and the water to a boil. Reduce the heat and cook for 10 minutes, until the black currants are softened

Masukkan gula lanjutkan merebus dengan api sedang selama 20 - 25 menit atau sampai jam mengental (mencapai setting point) sambil diaduk-aduk
Add the sugar  and cook over medium heat, stirring frequently for 20 - 25 minutes, or until the jam reaches the setting/jelling points

Lanjut memasak dengan api besar selama 20 - 25 menit atau sampai kental atau disebut setting point
Increase the heat and boil rapidly for 20 - 25 minutes or until setting point is reached

Aduk terus beberapa saat sebelum masak atau kental agar tidak mengendap dan
Stir constantly towards the end of cooking to prevent it from sticking

Jika suka, saring setengah dari jam untuk mengurangi jumlah biji, kemudian masukkan kembali dalam panci dan masak selama 5 menit
If wished, pass half the jam through and sieve to reduce the seed content, then return to the boil for 5 minutes

Matikan api dan biarkan jam agak dingin selama beberapa menit
Remove the pan from the heat and leave the jam to settle for a few minutes.

Masukkan ke dalam botol jam yang telah di sterilisasi, dan tutup
Ladle into the hot sterilised jars, then seal


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