Lontong Gulai Cubadak / Lontong Gulai Nangka Muda / Curried Jack Fruit Padang Style
Minggu lalu saya memasak lontong dengan gulai nangka muda untuk teman-teman, dan mereka sangat menikmatinya, rasa pedas dan gurih dari kaldu yang terbuat dari tulang sapi membuat rasa khas dan sedap. Masakan ini populer di Padang sebagai sarapan. Walau di Medan kita punya khas lontong Medan, tapi kali ini saya ingin menyajikan lontong dengan sayur yang berbeda (kebetulan di halaman ada nangka yang sudah cukup masak untuk sayur), nangka muda ini dalam bahasa Minang disebut cubadak.
I Cook this dish last week for a group of my friends, the really enjoyed it. I have posted curried jack fruit earlier, but this is slightly different, it is West Sumatran (Padang Style) which is served with rice cake.
I remember few years back, we went to Padang for a wedding do. We stayed for a few days there and we really enjoyed the food there, and this dish was my late father's favourite. Every morning he would ask this dish for his breakfast, he did love it.
Bahan-bahan / Ingredients
200 gr kacang panjang, potong ukuran 8 cm
200 gr long beans or french beans, cut 8 cm long
200 gr long beans or french beans, cut 8 cm long
1.5 kg nangka muda yang sudah dibersihkan, potong kira-kira ukuran 2x4x5 cm
1.5 kg clean young jack fruit, cut in chunks approximately 2 x 4 x 5 cm
1.5 kg clean young jack fruit, cut in chunks approximately 2 x 4 x 5 cm
1 kg Tulang sapi
1 kg beef bones
1 kg beef bones
500 gr daging betis, potong-potong
500 gr beef shin, cut in chunks
500 gr beef shin, cut in chunks
1500 ml air untuk kaldu (merebus tulang dan daging sapi)
1500 ml santan dari butir kelapa tua
Bumbu Halus / the paste
50 gr atau 15 buah cabai merah keriting, atau secukupnya
50 gr or 15 red chilli, or to your taste
50 gr or 15 red chilli, or to your taste
125 gr bawang merah
125 gr shallots
125 gr shallots
4 siung bawang putih
4 clove garlic
4 clove garlic
7 butir kemiri
7 candle nuts
7 candle nuts
5 cm jahe
5 cm fresh ginger
5 cm fresh ginger
5 cm kunyit
5 cm turmeric
1 sdm ketumbar
1 tbsp coriander seeds
2 sdt gula
2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp coriander seeds
2 sdt gula
2 tsp sugar
garam secukupnya
salt to taste
salt to taste
Bumbu Utuh / Other ingredients
3 batang serai, memarkan
3 stalks lemon grass
3 stalks lemon grass
5 lembar daun salam
5 salam leaves (Indonesian bay leaves)
5 salam leaves (Indonesian bay leaves)
3 buah asam kandis
3 pieces of dried false mangosteen (Garcinia xanthochymus)
3 pieces of dried false mangosteen (Garcinia xanthochymus)
1 lembar daun kunyit
1 turmeric leave
1 turmeric leave
5 lembar daun jeruk
5 kaffir lime leaves (or more)
5 kaffir lime leaves (or more)
Cara membuat / preparations
Rebus daging dan tulang dengan sedikit garam sampai daging empuk.
Bring the water to the boil add in the bones and beef chunks, until the beef is tender
Bring the water to the boil add in the bones and beef chunks, until the beef is tender
Sementara itu rebus cubadak (nangka) dalam air mendidih sampai empuk tapi pastikan tidak hancur, angkat, tiriskan dan sisihkan
Boil the jack fruit until just cook but still firm, drain, set aside
Boil the jack fruit until just cook but still firm, drain, set aside
Setelah daging empuk, angkat tulang-tulangnya dan tinggalkan dagingnya (Sudah jadi kaldu)
Remove the bones off the stock, when the beef is tender, but leave the beef in. (the stock is ready)
Masukkan semua bumbu kedalam campuran kaldu dan didihkan kembali selama beberapa menit atau bumbu masak.
Put the paste and other ingredients into the stock, bring back to boil for a few minutes.
Masukkan kacang panjang dan nangka sampai, kacang masak tapi tidak terlalu lunak.
Now put the long beans (or french beans) and the jack fruit until, continue cooking until the beans is cook but not too soft.
Masukkan santan, kecilkan api sedikit, masak sampai mendidih sambil terus diaduk agak santan tidak pecah.
Add in the coconut milk, reduce the heat, keep stirring (this is to avoid the coconut milk separated or curdled) until come to the boil.
Sayur sudah siap disajikan dengan lontong, tapi sebaiknya dimasak sehari sebelumnya supaya rasa bumbunya semakin meresap ke dalam nangka.
The dish is now ready to serve with rice cake, but it is suggested to cook it the day before, since this curry will mature and the taste develop much better.
Remove the bones off the stock, when the beef is tender, but leave the beef in. (the stock is ready)
Masukkan semua bumbu kedalam campuran kaldu dan didihkan kembali selama beberapa menit atau bumbu masak.
Put the paste and other ingredients into the stock, bring back to boil for a few minutes.
Masukkan kacang panjang dan nangka sampai, kacang masak tapi tidak terlalu lunak.
Now put the long beans (or french beans) and the jack fruit until, continue cooking until the beans is cook but not too soft.
Masukkan santan, kecilkan api sedikit, masak sampai mendidih sambil terus diaduk agak santan tidak pecah.
Add in the coconut milk, reduce the heat, keep stirring (this is to avoid the coconut milk separated or curdled) until come to the boil.
Sayur sudah siap disajikan dengan lontong, tapi sebaiknya dimasak sehari sebelumnya supaya rasa bumbunya semakin meresap ke dalam nangka.
The dish is now ready to serve with rice cake, but it is suggested to cook it the day before, since this curry will mature and the taste develop much better.
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